Your home should be a haven that is comfortable, safe, and healthy, but unseen dangers are lurking around you and your family. These dangers are not in the paranormal realm, but viruses, germs, pests, and chemicals that can harm if left unchecked!
Unfortunately, bacteria are everywhere and unavoidable, no matter how clean you keep an area, but should not be a concern if they are in small doses. Pathogens lurking in the home facilitate the spread of illnesses like the flu and colds. That said, awareness of where these germs thrive and combat tactics are essential in maintaining a healthy home for you and your loved ones.
Research on Bacteria in the Home
Research indicates that bacteria are on floors, walls, sinks, on countertops, and every other surface in between. Homes with pets and those in the suburbs tend to have more species of bacteria, while water leaks tend to produce more fungi. The two most popular surfaces where bacteria thrive are toilet seats and refrigerator doors.
Most Livable Locations for Bacteria in The Kitchen and Bathroom
Realistically speaking, it is near impossible to clean every spot in the home. Therefore, it is a good idea to know the commonest places where illness-causing organisms thrive:
- The kitchen sponge is virtually wet and moist all the time, making it a heaven for bacteria
- The kitchen sink is where you clean everything from raw meat to farm produce
- Your cutting board comes into direct contact with many food sources that may carry germs
- The refrigerator door handle is opened and closed countless times a day and this makes it a fertile ground for pathogens like salmonella and E. coli
- Your kitchen counter sees plenty of action during food prep in addition to the constant drink and food spills, splashes from your dirty kitchen sink, and constant contact with your kitchen sponge
The bathroom is also a fertile ground for bacteria to thrive, and this is not limited to the toilet seat alone. Like your kitchen, the sink and counters are major problems. Further, bacteria splashes from your sink to the countertop, toothbrush holder and toothbrushes can easily make you sick.
Eliminating These Bacteria
All you need is some planning and maintenance commitment to getting rid of bacteria in these areas in your home. Deal with high traffic areas first by sweeping, vacuuming, and using soap and warm water where appropriate.
For the five areas identified above:
- Soak your kitchen sponges and dishcloths in a solution of 3/4 cup bleach solution per gallon of water at least two times weekly
- Scrub your cutting board with warm soapy water after every use and air dry before putting it away
- Use hot soapy water to wash kitchen and bathroom sink and countertop bacteria away and wipe down using antibacterial wipes daily
- Instead of using sponges, consider using paper towels to wipe away spills
- Wipe your refrigerator door handles and kitchen counters with antibacterial wipes every day
Since human handling is the common denominator for germ contamination, always wash your hands to minimize bacteria transfer. Besides, any time you touch your face with these dirty hands, you increase the chances of getting infecting yourself with some nasty pathogens.